Ohayou Gomashio




Atmosphere: fullfullhalf
Service: fullfullfullfullhalf
Bartender: fullfullfullhalf
Presentation: fullfullfullhalf
Taste: fullfullfullhalf [out of 4*]
Value for Money: fullfullfull

Cost: ~S$25++
Location: Operation Dagger



Stressed? Having a mid-life crisis? Feeling drab? Too hot? Too humid? The Gomashio will cure all your problems with its light, refreshing countenance. Made with Operation Dagger’s very own toasted sesame spirit, its roasty smell is gripping and mouth-watering. The bartender kindly allowed us to sample the spirit and it’s something all right: I’d hazard a guess to say its alcohol content was at least 75%, leaving us spluttering foolishly.


Don’t be fooled by the innocently transparent spirit…

Complementing the intense toasted sesame and balancing out its strength was the freshness of cucumber and the sweeter agave. This made it a fragrant, cooling and invigorating cocktail and maybe even, dare I say, thirst-quenching. The addition of ginger ensured there was no monotony of flavour by giving the Gomashio a spicy, piquant finish.

Operation Dagger is a tricky little bar run by some very savvy people. Cost-wise, it may tiptoe towards the pricey, but you can rest assured that hard work making, mixing, testing and perfecting their own ingredients and recipes makes it an intriguing, artisanal experience. Go at your own risk…!

* Rated out of 4 because it was not on the menu (see How We Roll)


The Gomashio with a side of Gomashio

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